Can Receding Gums Be Reversed ?

before1.jpgBefore you answer the question of can you rebuild receding gum lines, you have to first understand the reason the gums are receding and how to care for gums once they have been treated. There in only one reason dentally, why gums recede and that is gum disease. Without treatment for gum disease, receding gums can become a huge problem that only gets worse over time and can result in adult tooth loss. Here's a quick look at gum disease, how it treated, and the various prevention methods that will help once your gums are back to a healthy state.

* gum disease and how gums recede
* clearing the infection
* good prevention

Gum disease is capable of severely damaging the gums and causing receding due to pockets of infection on the gum line. The infection causes bleeding receding gums especially if the condition is left untreated for any length of time. The infection pockets force the gums to separate from the surface of the teeth. In addition to the gum damage, the teeth are left defenseless against the bacteria as well and it is common for gum disease patients to be faced with teeth reconstruction too.

In the effort to repair receding gums, it is imperative that the dentist heals the infection and removes all traces of the bacteria on the soft tissue and teeth of the mouth. In the early stages of gum disease a dentist can simply use the scraping and root scaling procedure to accomplish this goal. The infection is eliminated and any rough spots on the affected teeth are smoothed to encourage the gums to grow back over the teeth.

Once you and your dentist have taken the time to treat receding gums and gum disease the name of the game is to practice good prevention techniques. For most people it involves the same oral hygiene practice everyone else should be participating in. Floss at least once a day and brush twice at the minimum. Of course, it also important to keep your twice yearly appointments with the dentist. As a previous gum disease patient you may be required to visit a little more frequently right after treatment.

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