Australia: Perth dentist lists 10 top oral hygiene products and tips

Australia: Perth dentist lists 10 top oral hygeine products and tips

Every day patients ask me "what kind of toothbrush should I use" or "can you recommend a dental floss?"

Well here are the top ten things on my list

  1. Dental floss. They are all good but one of my favorites is "Reach Dental Floss Waxed" or the minty one called "whitening" just for the flavour. Remember "you don't have to floss all your teeth...just the ones you want to keep!"
  2. Interproximal brushes. Many people can't floss, won't floss, hate floss, just ran out of floss, etc. etc After 25 years I have heard every excuse in the book. It is difficult and luckily there is an alternative. Tiny brushes that go between your teeth, not the larger ones that will only fit under a bridge, next to an implant or if you have had periodontal disease. I like the ones from Switzerland called Curaprox. There will be more about them soon.
  3. Toothpicks. Come on, the least you can do is pick your teeth! Not the round ones you get at cocktail parties (in your Martini) or with the corner of an old business card. I am talking about special triangular ones made from soft wood. They don't damage your gums and do a pretty good job, and at least get the bits of food out. In Perth Australia we get the Sensodyne brand "InterDens fine" which are excellent and you must moisten them before use.
  4. Manual toothbrush. Very soft but nothing too fancy. Again there is nothing to beat the Curaprox Brand and the one I like best is model CS 3960 "supersoft"
  5. Electric or power toothbrush. If you're going to spend the money get the best. Many patients do better with a manual brush than the cheap throw-away electric ones. You can't beat the Braun Oral-B Triumph Professional Care 9500 or the Sonic Complete.
  6. Tongue cleaner or scraper-daily use is essential to ensure fresh breath. These work much better than brushing the tongue. We give all our patients one that I developed called the "Breath-So-Fresh". Some pharmacies now have a few different ones in stock and you should try several, as all tongues are slightly different. Find one that reaches the back third of the tongue and isn't too sharp but still effective.
  7. Mouthwash. Most of my patients don't need it. I have posted recently about the controversy surrounding oral cancer and strong alcohol mouthwashes. In some cases I recommend Curasept Chlorhexidine 0.12% non-staining toothpaste and mouthwash. More about this soon.
  8. Toothpaste. I don't like the more expensive ones with lots of ingredients. All it needs is a mild abrasive and fluoride. I like Colgate Fluorigard Anti-Cavity Great Regular Flavour.
  9. Plaque disclosing tablets. Yes the little tablets that you chew and all your teeth go pink are still around. By the way the pink is all the plaque you missed. New tablets now available will show old plaque in blue.
  10. Timer. You cannot brush effectively in less than 2 minutes no matter what your technique. It feels like forever but it's only 2 minutes!

This article is solely the professional and individual opinion of Dr. Clifford Yudelman a dentist in Nedlands, Perth Western Australia and does not replace the professional guidance of your own personal dentist. He/she is the best person to counsel you on specific products for your specific situation. Please consult with them if you have any questions regarding anything mentioned in this article.