Closys Mouthwash

Bad breaths are unpleasant. Anyone carrying such is prone to being disgraced at any time of the day. This is why bad breaths should not be covered up. Bad breaths are caused by bacteria that work on the food particles hanging there in the mouth creating bad smells from volatile sulphur compounds. The good news is it can even be eliminated with little stress.

Studies have shown that all bad breath has to do with these Volatile Sulphur compounds which are formed by the decomposition of bacteria and dead human cells. Bad breath can also be caused by seepage from gums that are infected.

Closys mouthwash is one of the best mouthwashes someone with a bad breath could ever come across. Closys mouthwash attacks these volatile sulphur compounds with its active ingredient which is chlorine dioxide. This active ingredient goes directly to the source of the smell which is the volatile sulphur compounds. This is where Closys really made a big deal. Most other mouthwashes tend to take out the smell without taking care of the root cause. Most mouthwashes have compounds that generate sweet smells which are intended to cover up the bad smells generated by the VSC's. This however does not take care of the problem as more VSC's are formed from these so-called sweet smelling compounds.

Some other kinds of mouthwashes are laden with alcohol burning the teeth and giving you gum wounds. Alcohol also keeps the saliva dry. All these are an attempt to keep the VSC's down but none of these mouthwashes have gain the reputation of Closys mouthwash. Closys mouthwash contains a high pH value. Anaerobic activity is increased under acidic environments. With a high pH value, the activity of bacteria in the mouth is reduced to the barest minimum.

Closys mouthwash has been tested and proven to guarantee you a fresh breath for up to 5 hours. In a minute's rinse, the active Chlorine dioxide present in Closys mouthwash destroys every sulphur compound on contact and the result is a fresh breath.

Apart from all the above, Closys mouthwash has a very high shelf life because it is stabilized and it does not contain sodium lauryl sulphate as found in most other mouthwashes.

What more would you require, as you can see, Closys mouthwash beats all imaginations and a trial will only convince you. If you have been battling with bad breath, this is your long awaited mouthwash. It is guaranteed to give you the freshest breath you never had in years.

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