Dental Hygiene -- A Must Not an Option

Remember as child how your mom use to always yell at you to brush your teeth before you went to school and before bed? Oh how you dreaded going into the bathroom, taking out the toothbrush, getting the toothpaste and brushing. So you'd give your teeth a few good swipes with the toothbrush and then you were on your way. However, mom was always there to turn you around and march you right back into bathroom to brush your teeth again. Only this time, she stood right there to watch you and make sure you were doing it right. Back then you didn't know any better but as you got older you figured out why. Taking care of your teeth is just as important as taking care of any other part of your body. Good oral hygiene includes:

* Having clean teeth free from plaque and tarter. * Healthy gums that do not bleed and are a nice pink color. * Fresh breath.

Even fighting teeth sensitivity could mean you need to change your oral hygiene program. Teeth play an important role in our health as well as gives you the ability to eat and speak properly. Seeing your dentist regularly is important but in between dental visits you want to maintain proper dental care at home by:

* Brushing your teeth 2 to 3 times a day in between meals. * Be sure to floss every day. * Eat a well balanced diet that cuts back on sugar intake. * Use a fluoride enhanced toothpaste and mouthwash.

You want your teeth to last a lifetime and proper dental hygiene will insure this. Just as everyone has a unique DNA make up, they also have their own unique needs for oral care. Take for instance, the type of toothbrush you use. Some people require a soft bristled brush while others need a sturdier, more firm bristle. So once you find a good toothbrush you want to stick with that type. You also need to make sure that you change your tooth brush often. Toothbrushes can harbor germs. Dentists recommend changing your toothbrush every three months.

Periodontal disease can occur if you don't take care of your teeth. When cavities form and are left untreated they can infect the pulp areas of the mouth and can form into an abscess. This can result in having to have a root canal. If the teeth have to be extracted then you have a new and more expensive problem on your hands -- tooth replacement. This can come in the form of a partial denture or an actual tooth prosthesis that is screwed into the bones of your mouth. Granted permanent replacement is far more expensive then the removable kind.

All in all, you can see why having excellent oral hygiene is important. Without it, you run the chance of serious illness as well as tooth loss and who wants that?