Dentist in Perth discusses alternative to flossing teeth

So many patients tell me that they can't get it right when it comes to flossing. Getting your hands in your mouth, getting the floss between all the teeth, blood everywhere...yuk!

A while back when I was in San Diego, a patient of mine who was a mother, and child psychologist, said that when growing up our parents keep saying things like: "get your hands out of your mouth".

Then when we get to 13 or 14 the dentist or hygienist says :"this is how you stick your hands in your mouth...just do it"

Face it, flossing just doesn't come naturally. Many dental patients in Perth, who do really try, just can't get their gums to stop bleeding, even when they do it everyday.
If you do floss everyday, it then comes down to perfect technique. I have posted a video with tips on flossing previously and it is really helpful. I have shown it mainly to younger patients who are still keen and eager to learn. +brushes.jpg"

When it comes to older patients I have found that "you can't teach an old dog new tricks", which means it is difficult to make someone change the way they do something when they have been doing it the same way for a long time, or in the case of flossing, not doing it at all.

The other expression that comes to mind involves larger four legged creatures(horses) and water!

You say this when you can give someone the opportunity to do something, but you cannot force them to do it if they do not want to, or in the case of dental floss just can't.

Well don't worry, all is not lost. I have found a system from Switzerland that works so well, and is easy to master after only a few tries.

Since nobody needs to be taught to use a toothpick I thought that there must be something simpler than flossing. After 20 years of nagging, demonstrating, threatening and getting on my knees and downright begging patients to floss I was about to "throw in the towel" when I discovered Curaprox Prime. Now even though this is a plug for the company and the product, I can assure you I am not on their payroll!
The website states "When you insert the interdental brush into an interdental space for the first time, there is frequently bleeding and it can sometimes be a little painful. Don't worry! You are not bleeding because you have injured yourself, but because you have a small open wound there caused by plaque. Gums only bleed if they are irritated by excessive plaque. If you use your interdental brush correctly, the problem will generally resolve itself after just ten days. The bleeding gums you experience at first will disappear" and I have found this to be the case every time.

The company has a great website with a demonstration video, and in Perth you can buy their products at Broadway Fair Pharmacy or Captain Stirling Pharmacy.

This article is solely the professional and individual opinion of Dr. Clifford Yudelman a Perth dentist in Nedlands, Western Australia and does not replace the professional guidance of your own personal dentist. He/she is the best person to counsel you on specific products for your specific situation. Please consult with them if you have any questions regarding anything mentioned in this article.