When needed, orthodontic treatment not only enhances your smile, it also prevents existing problems from worsening. Besides correcting a less-than-perfect grin, orthodontics:

• Helps to prevent tooth decay, periodontal (gum) disease and tooth loss by easing apart crowded, hard-to-clean teeth
• Alleviates a bad bite (malocclusion) that can lead to abnormal wearing of tooth surfaces, chewing difficulty, and bone and gum tissue damage
• Helps relieve jaw joint pain by properly adjusting poorly aligned teeth

Getting the Look Without the “Loudness”

Although everyone would love a beautiful smile with straight teeth and a perfect bite, most adults don’t relish the idea of undergoing the same orthodontic treatments as children and teens – conspicuous metal braces.

Fortunately, today there is an alternative solution. Now, you can straighten your teeth with Invisalign, an innovative new method of orthodontics that straightens teeth without the use of metal or wires. Invisalign aligners are an FDA-approved dental appliance and are made from strong, transparent medical-grade plastic. They’re almost invisible, and they’re removable.

How Invisalign® Works

First, impressions (molds) are taken of your upper and lower teeth. Your cosmetic dentist uses a computer imaging program to project the exact stages of tooth movement, morphing your current tooth positions into your new, nicely-spaced positions. He designs a series of positions that will correspond to your series of trays, made by the Invisalign laboratory.

Each two weeks, you remove the current pair of trays (aligners) and start wearing the next pair. Each pair nudges your teeth in small increments, moving them further forward, further sideways or back, whatever is needed to get them all aligned correctly.

Invisalign aligners move the teeth gently and gradually without irritation from metal brackets or wires and without the many adjustments necessary when traditional braces are used. The “miracle” of Invisalign is accomplished through the placement and timing of controlled pressure on selected teeth.

Why Wait?

More than a quarter-million people worldwide have used the Invisalign method to improve the appearance and health of their teeth. Dentists undergo special training to become certified Invisalign® providers, so you can rest assured your treatment will be safe and well-planned. If you would like the benefits of braces without the pain, hassle, and awkward appearance, the Invisalign® method offers a practical, viable, convenient alternative.