Idol White Teeth Whitening: Is it a Scam?

So I was browsing around and seen a teeth whitening banner which was lead to a site that proclaimed this teeth whitening product was a miracle that saved a girls life, so I decided to browse around more and look for a review for the Idol White teeth whitening product, I could not find one that wasn't a pitch for the product so I thought I should make one of my own for everyone. After using Idol White for 3 weeks I have came to my conclusions about the product, this will save you time.

The first reason I stumbled upon Idol White was because I seen a banner on the internet showing the Kardashian sisters as they are endorsing the product because it works so great for them. This was not enough though to persuade me into buying it, we all know endorsments are simply to make money usually, so I was still skeptical about the product. There was no way I was going to fall into the hype just because Kim Kardashian and her sisters were on the website or box, I got a coupon code for a free trial though so it was cheap and I thought I would give it a shot.

I am very cheap and very skeptical, this is why I never purchased the product online until I got my coupon code free trial which I will share with you also. For the most part, anytime I tried new teeth whitening products they ended up causing me hassle and teeth sensitivity just to barely make a difference in my teeths color, but the Idol White gave me no problems at all and was very easy to use.

I was amazed when I seen instant results, I did not see my teeth go 8 shades whiter over night but I did notice within the same hour my teeth were whiter. I was really excited that each and everyday they just kept on getting whiter and it never faded overtime, the whitening effect never wore off so it had to be a quality product.

So using Idol White was a blessing in disguise because it was fast and easy to use and did not effect my daily routine one bit, it was actually faster than brushing. I was even applying it while I was driving my car to work, I wouldn't suggest this though as it is likely dangerous. The bottom line though was that it actually worked and worked well, my teeth were no longer stained yellow from all the coffee and cigarettes I smoked, my teeth were white like I was 16 years old once again, it was very amazing.

So all in all, I learned that Idol White is a bigger brand than I first thought and alot of people are using it day to day. It has extra strength ingredients for whitening stained and discoloured teeth, in most cases dental whitenings will only give you around 10% peroxide, these products online now contain up to 22% which provides a real dental whitening.

So now that I gave you my review for this product I would like to direct you to where I got the free trials and coupon codes so that you can get a white smile yourself. These kits ultimately save you hundreds of dollars going to a dentist, actually whiten and they save you a ton of time. It is time to quit wasting money on white strlips that do not even work, if you are buying whitestrips you better stop now!