Dentures for you

Dentures refer to a removable replacement for missing teeth. Dentures resemble your natural teeth in appearance and helps in improving your smile and facial beauty There are essentially two types of available dentures namely; Complete and Partial Dentures.

Complete Dentures

Complete Dentures could be categorized as Conventional or Immediate. A Conventional Denture is made after the teeth have been completely removed and the gum tissue has started to heal. A Conventional Denture could be placed in the mouth about 8 to 12 weeks after the teeth have been removed.

Immediate Dentures are prepared in advance and could be placed as soon as the teeth are removed. However, a major problem with Immediate Dentures is that bones and gums tend to shrink in course of time, especially during the healing period subsequent to tooth removal. As a result, a great disadvantage of Immediate Dentures is that they need more adjustments so as to fit properly during the healing period.

Partial Dentures

A Partial Denture or Bridge generally comprises replacement teeth connected to a pink or gum-colored plastic base, which is further attached by metal framework that keeps the denture in place in the mouth. Partial Dentures are often used when one or more natural teeth still remain in the upper or lower jaw. A fixed bridge substitutes one or more teeth by placing crowns on the teeth on either side of the space and joining artificial teeth to them. The Bridge is then fixed into place. A Precision Partial Denture could be removed if required and contains internal attachments that connect to the adjacent crowns.

Some things to remember

Speaking and eating may be a little awkward when you are wearing dentures. Eating with new dentures needs a little practice and it may be pretty disturbing for a few weeks.

  • Always be careful while consuming hot or hard foods and foods that contain sharp bones or shells.
  • Try to avoid foods that are too sticky or hard.
  • Avoid chewing gum while you are getting adjusted to the denture.
  • Do not use toothpicks while you are wearing dentures.