Do You Want White and Attractive Teeth Again?

I’m a male in mid thirties and happen to have a very attractive smile again!  In my early twenties, when I smiled at people they would comment about how white my teeth were.  Fast forward to my early thirties and I noticed more of a discoloration either on or in my teeth.  This discoloration was evident even though I brushed and flossed my teeth everyday.  Furthermore, I visited my dentist on a regular basis and received cleanings and other forms of maintenance.  The maintenance I received didn’t change the color discoloration that was evident on my teeth.  The discoloration on/in my teeth were more of something that was thought about subconsciously.

A close friend of mine who always since I’ve known her had the whitest smile ever.  I think we have all run into someone who smiles and all these pearly white teeth show.

What Causes Teeth Discoloration?

Over the years, the enamel in our teeth develop millions of micro cracks these cracks can harbor debris and stains.  The enamel is the white part of our teeth and the dentin is the inner section that is yellow in color.  I enjoy eating so the more you eat the more cracks and discoloration also follows.

A good teeth-whitening system can bring back the luster you once had on your teeth.  A slow peroxide gel applied to your teeth can reduce the amount of debris and stains that accumulate inside those cracks.  I applied this gel to my teeth over an extended period of time and noticed the teeth becoming whiter.

What’s A Good Maintenance Program?

Limit Grinding.  This can lead to more micro cracking, which fills up with debris and stains.

Stop Smoking.  The nicotine in cigarettes can cause a brownish stain.  This particular staining can seep into the teeth and not just the surface.  The discoloration in my teeth was more of something that was thought about subconsciously.

Eating habits.By managing coffee, red wines, and cola consumption and other deeply colored beverages can cause a considerable amount of staining over the years.

Through knowledge I am better able to maintain a big, beautiful white smile again!  Also, if you take great care of your teeth and they’re still discolored then it maybe a genetically linked.


The information provided herein should not be construed as a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other prescribed health-care advice or instruction.  The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practioner/ patient relationship with its readers.