Are You Ready to Use Acne Glycolic Acid

Acne Glycolic acid is a popular product because it can penetrate the skin.  In doing so, it helps to keep the hair and skin follicles clear of built up dead skin.  This reduces pore blockage which traps sebum in the pore, which eventually turns into a pimple.  This acid also triggers the formation of new elastin cells and collagen.  Using specific nutrients and vitamins help the new cells to grow faster.

Acne glycolic acid, known as a fruit acid, is an alpha hydroxyl acid that is used for treating skin conditions.  It comes from sugar cane and is considered a natural product.  Citric acid is also another form of glycolic acid and is found in lemons, oranges, lime, and grapefruits.

It is derived from sugar cane, so it can be considered a natural product. Citric acid falls under the same classification as glycolic acid.  In high concentration, 70% or more, it is extremely dangerous for the skin.  The government considers any product with 10 % or more of glycolic to be hazardous.

When starting out to use glycolic acid, it is best to start with 2.5 % or 5 % to see how you skin will react.  Then you can increase the concentration to 10%.  Most cosmetic products have 10 % or less of glycolic.  The concentrations used by trained cosmetologists are between 20 and 30 % and those used by doctors can range from 50 to 70 percent.

The benefits of using glycolic acid are improved skin quality and reduced skin aging.  It give the skin increased moisture through exfoliation. It makes the skin denser, improves the quality of elastic fibers, and promotes increased collagen density.  This acid helps to reduce skin blemishes and imperfections.

Despite the controversy, the use of acne glycolic acid has been found to be effective in cleaning dead skin cells from the skin’s surface, provided it used correctly.  It must be used in the proper concentration, 10% or less, in products for exfoliation and moisturizing.

Using acne glycolic acid for acne will clean and cleanse your facial pores.  In removing dead skin from the pores and unplugging them, natural accumulating sebum can be released normally from the pores onto the skin.  As pores are cleansed, you may see more acne forming, but this should stop within a few weeks.

Using glycolic acid may leave the skin sensitive to the sun.  It is recommended that sun screen be used after treating your skin with glycolic.  When using glycolic acid with other creams, it many not be necessary to use sun screen, except during hot summer weather.

If you stop using glycolic acid to clear or to prevent acne, the dead cells, skin derby and dirt will build up and your pores will become clogged again.  The result is you will again have acne or pimples.  Learning to keep your face clean and how to prevent your body from creating excess sebum can be a solution to your acne.