Find Out About the Invisalign Orthodontic Treatment

Not everyone is born with gorgeous looking teeth. If you are embarrassed about the way your teeth look, it can affect many aspects of your life. It can affect your level of self-confidence. If you don’t like the way you look it, can hinder you in social situations. You may not speak up at work or mingle at parties to talk with other guests. You may not also smile in pictures, which gives others the impression that you aren’t a happy person.

Fortunately there are some really good ways in which you can improve your smile and the shape of your teeth. Traditional orthodontic treatment involves metal braces and wires that can be uncomfortable. They can also be embarrassing to wear for a couple of years. A better alternative may be Invisalign as it is a very effective form of orthodontic treatment for a smile makeover. At Yes Braces, we are dedicated to helping you get the smile makeover you want without discomfort or embarrassment that is often associated with braces.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a revolutionary product that can help you get the smile you have always dreamed of. It is available for children and for adults. It is a safe and effective alternative to traditional braces. In fact, most people won’t even be able to tell that you are working on improving the look of your teeth. Not attracting attention to your efforts is exactly what teenagers and adults have been looking for.

You will wear trays on your teeth that are clear. You take them out when you are eating and then you can easily slide them back in place. Your treatment will include a series of these trays that move your teeth a tiny bit at a time. Once you have successfully reached where you need to be with one set of trays, you will be moved into the next set of them. Each set of trays will be worn for approximately two weeks.

What Are the Benefits of Using Invisalign for Orthodontic Treatment?

Invisalign offers many great benefits over traditional braces. In addition to being clear so it isn’t so obvious, they are comfortable. You may feel some slight pressure as the teeth are moved around but nothing more. You won’t have any sharp wires or brackets that poke the insides of your mouth or cut open your lips like you do with braces. You also won’t have to worry about getting food stuck in them. Since you can remove this type of orthodontic treatment when you eat, there aren’t any restrictions on foods either.

Is Invisalign Right for Me?

The Invisalign form of orthodontic treatment can be used to correct many different types of dental problems. They include teeth that are crowded, teeth that have gaps between them, crossbites, overbites, and underbites. There are different circumstances for each patient so the best way to determine if Invisalign is right, you are to schedule a consultation with a qualified orthodontist that offers this type of orthodontic treatment.  However, most of the time you will find that if your dental problems can be corrected with braces they can be with Invisalign as well.

If they determine that Invisalign is a good option for your dental needs then specifics can be discussed to get your treatment started. If it isn’t a good form of treatment, then other forms of orthodontic treatment that may be more successful can be discussed. It is important to understand that, with Invisalign, it could take longer to complete your treatment than with traditional braces. Most people are fine with that though due to how easy and comfortable the entire process is.

You can contact Yes Braces to schedule your free consultation. You will feel very comfortable and you will be excited about your options. All of your questions will be answered at the consultation. You will learn if the Invisalign process of straightening your teeth is a good option to move forward with or not. This can be the best way for you to forego traditional braces so take the time to look into it.

Teenagers are extremely self conscious about their appearance. While many of them do want to have straight teeth and a great smile, they don’t want to wear traditional braces. They worry about how they will look in pictures, how it will be to kiss their dates, if they have food stuck in their teeth, and other similar issue.

Invisalign is the perfect alternative for teenagers because they can perfect their teeth without any of those other issues. It is also easier for teenagers to take care of their teeth with Invisalign versus traditional braces. This is because it can be time consuming and difficult to clean behind all of those brackets. With Invisalign though you can just remove the trays to clean your teeth. It is easier and the chance of tooth decay will significantly be reduced.

The Cost of Invisalign

Invisalign is a very affordable form of orthodontic treatment as well. More insurance companies are willing to pay for this form of treatment than in the past. If you have dental insurance find out what the specifications are for such coverage. Many orthodontists also offer very generous payment plans that fit most budgets. They may have in house financing options that you can take advantage of as well.

The cost is between $3,000 and $5,000 in most cases. The cost will depend on many factors. Orthodontists get to set their own prices so ask during your consultation what those fees will be. The severity of the dental problems that need to be corrected will also affect the overall price that you pay. No matter what the cost though, it will all be worth it when you see your gorgeous new smile.

Where to Find Orthodontic Treatment

Contact Yes Braces in order to find out more about orthodontic offices are offering Invisalign as a form of orthodontic treatment. If you are interested in it you can do some searching around to see who in your area offers it. Take a look at advertisements in your local phone book. You can also ask your personal dentist for a recommendation. You can be confident that Yes Braces is going to help you get that gorgeous smile you want and deserve.

If you are tired of hiding your teeth from the world then now is the time to take advantage of the Invisalign process. You will love the way you look and your level of self-confidence will significantly improve.