Dental Implants: Need or Vanity

If you are someone who hides everytime you smile because you are embarrased of the spaces caused from missing teeth or someone who has difficulty in chewing. If you are somone who would like to speak, smile and eat again with great confidence and comforst, maybe it's time for you to throw out your dentures and consider getting dental implants. Dental implants looks so natural and feels natural, you may never feel that you actually got a dental implant. By using the implants proplerly and having the procedure with a reliable and ceritified periodontist and dental implants can last a lifetime. The fact is, there are studies that prove the improving success rates for dental implants which means longer the user uses it, the more sturdy and effective dental implants are. That's one major advantage of having dental implants and not dentures.

Artificial tooth replacements used to solve tooth loss are called dental implants. Dental implants are actually categorized as a form of artificial replacement (prosthetics) dentistry as wekk as cosmetic dentistry. This is why some people consider dental implants as a vanity and not as a solution.

These days, there are a number of ways to treat missing teeth, however, none has been proven to be durable and functionally effective as implants. For some occasions, dental implants are used to restore necessary supporting structures of the teeth and functionality.
Teeth are lost for so many reasons. It may be caused by:

· Tooth decay
· Root canal failure
· Congenital defects
· Trauma to the mouth
· Periodonitis
· Excessive wear and tear

Tooth loss can definitely cause biting irregularities which can provide a bad effect on a person's eating habit and can lead to health problems such as malnutrition. Dental implant is definitely a great way to provide remedy for any type of problem caused by toothloss, plus it is already proven to be effective.

Unlike dentures or bridges, dental implants are much stronger and durable. Dental implants provides a permanent remedy to tooth loss. Another advantage of dental implants is that it may also be used together with other restorative procedures to acquire maximum effectiveness. A single dental implant can be made to support a crown in replace of a missing tooth. Dental Implants are also used to provide a dental bridge for replacing multiple missing teeth. Dental implants are also used with dentures to provide more stability stability and to reduce irritation of the gum tissue.

Some advanced procedures such as the development of a narrow mini implant would mean that more people would consider themselves as candidates for dental implantation. However, candidates for dental implantation still has to undergo the consultation of a certified periodontist. The dentist would be the one to determine if one should consider to choose an alternative restoration. One must also remember that dentists are not required to have a specific license for them to perform dental implants. A bridge and crown placement in conjunction with implant restoration can be performed by a general or restorative dentist. However, the person who will complete this crucial procudre should be a prosthodontists.

In general, Dental implants are done to:

· Provide support for dentures, making it more comfortable and durable
· Support bridges and to eliminate the need for a partial denture
· Replce single or multiple teeth without affecting bordering teeth

There are different types of Dental Implanst being used these days:

The Endosteal is considered as the most common type of dental implant being used. Screws, blades or cylinders are surgically set into the jawbone. Each of the implant holds a single or multiple prosthetic teeth. Endosteal implant is mostly used as an alternative for those people with removable dentures or bridges. Subperiosteal is another type of dental implant. The implants are normally set on top of the jaw and its metal framework's posts are protruding through the gum for it to hold the prosthesis. This kind of dental implant are best for people who are unable to wear dentures and have a minimal bone height.