Learn About Teeth Whitening Oral Gel

Most dentists recommend different kinds of teeth whitening treatments to their patients who are having problems with the appearance particularly the color of their teeth. They will discuss with you the options for teeth whitening treatments so you could understand each completely. You will also be able to determine which type of teeth whitening treatment is best for you.

Of course he will first evaluate and assess your condition by performing a check up. He will examine your whole mouth to know if you are qualified to undergo a teeth whitening treatment. He could also suggest which type of teeth whitening treatment would be best for the condition or color of your teeth. It would be better if you will first set your budget for the treatment so you could easily make the right decision about the kind of treatment to use. As you know, different kinds of teeth whitening treatments also come in different prices.

Some of the major options that the dentist will usually recommend are the in-office teeth whitening treatment and the teeth whitening home kits. If you have the means and you are not very concerned about the amount of money that you will have to pay for the treatment as long as you will get the best possible results, you should go for the in-office teeth whitening treatment. This treatment is expensive but you will be very satisfied with the results. And it will only take some of your precious time because all you need is one hour and you can say hello to a new you. Your teeth will become whiter instantly and some people have claimed that their teeth became 6-8 shades lighter.

For those who can’t afford the expensive teeth whitening treatment, you could opt for the home kits that you can get from your own dentist or you could just purchase one from your favorite drugstore. These kits come with complete accessories like teeth whitening gel and tray so you can use it immediately and easily. One good thing about these products is that you can bring them anywhere you go because they are compact and very convenient to use.

One thing you could notice about in-office teeth whitening treatment and home kits is that they both use gel that is the main thing responsible for the whitening effect. The gel is made from hydrogen peroxide which is a good bleaching agent for your teeth. With in-office treatment, the use of a special laser light is involved. This could make the gel produce better results. The light will activate the gel and will enhance the bleaching effect. The gel will be applied onto your teeth and will stay there for a few minutes up to one hour.

With teeth whitening home kits, they also use gel that also contains hydrogen peroxide. The kit comes with a tray that will hold the gel onto your teeth. Kits from dentists will perfectly fit your teeth so your mouth will be safe from contact with the gel thus reducing the risk of irritation. Those kits that you could buy from the stores have trays that are made based on a standard size so you can’t really be sure that they will fit your teeth and mouth. Most of these products recommend that you will let the gel stay on your teeth overnight to get better and faster results. The gels in these kits have lower concentration of hydrogen peroxide than the gel used in in-office teeth whitening treatment so they will reduce the risk of having teeth sensitivity.