Ten Things You May Not Know About Acne: A Quiz

Just about everybody experiences acne during their life, but few people know why their skin breaks out, or how best to treat it. Try this quick quiz to see how much you understand about the causes of acne:

True or False?

1) Pimples are caused by an infected hair follicle.TRUE  or  FALSE

2) Pimples are caused by an oily substance called sebum.TRUE  or  FALSE

3) Acne only occurs on the face, neck, back, and chest.TRUE  or  FALSE

4) There has been an unexplained increase in adult acne in recent years.TRUE  or  FALSE

5) If you have acne, the more often you wash your face, the better.TRUE  or  FALSE

6) Acne is hereditary.TRUE  or  FALSE

7) Almost one-third of teens with acne are so bothered by it that they seek medical attention.TRUE  or  FALSE

8) Boys are more prone to acne than girls are.TRUE  or  FALSE

9) The incidence and severity of acne peek at age 15.TRUE  or  FALSE

10) Acne is caused by eating things like greasy food and chocolate.TRUE  or  FALSE


1) TRUE. Acne happens in something called a pilosebaceous unit, which is made up of a hair follicle, a sebaceous gland, and a hair.

2) TRUE as well. The sebaceous gland produces an oily substance called sebum to moisturize our hair and skin. Acne occurs when the sebaceous gland becomes plugged, trapping the sebum in the hair follicle. The trapped sebum becomes infected with bacteria, causing acne.

3) FALSE. The only places on our bodies we don't get acne are the places with no hair follicles - our lower lip, our palms and the tops and soles of our feet.

4) TRUE. Millions of American women are experiencing unexpected breakouts in middle-age, possibly due to hormones and/or stress.

5) FALSE. Too frequent washing can spread acne.  Twice a day is enough.

6) TRUE. Statistics do show that heredity is a strong contributing factor.

7) TRUE. Individuals with moderately severe and severe acne should consult a doctor. There are effective prescription medications to combat acne.

8) FALSE. The numbers of boys and girls experiencing acne are about the same.

9) FALSE. Acne peaks at age 17.  After about age 20, sebum production begins to decrease.

10) FALSE. This is a common myth.  Research has not linked greasy foods, chocolate, or any other common food to acne, although some people do find certain foods cause them to break out.

When you get pimples, resist the temptation to squeeze them - that can drive the infection deeper. Wash your face twice a day, and keep your hair clean and off of your face. Use only non-ceomedogenic make up (read the label), and wash it off every night. Keep your hands clean, and try to avoid touching your face. Eyeglasses should also be kept clean.

Heat and humidity may cause sweating, which can make acne worse. Hormones also affect acne, and females may notice flare-ups before or during their period. There is an also a well-established connection between break-outs and stress.

When your acne does flare up, try an over the counter acne medication. Talk to your doctor about stubborn or severe acne. He or she may prescribe antibiotics if your acne is infected. The most popular and effective acne prescription medication containstretinoin,an acid form of vitamin A also known asretin A, and is available in a liquid, gel or ?id=60 retin A cream . Tretinoin may cause sun-sensitivity, so use sunscreen and afford long exposure if you use it. You don't want a sunburn calling even more attention to your acne!