Zantac - Simple Cure For Bad Breath

Treating the basic cause of the bad breath will help eradicate the problem and the key is to find out the main disorder that is causing this. Digestive problems like acidity can cause bad breath and a simple ant acid will help in getting rid of the bad breath.

Bad breath is caused by peptic ulcers
Some times a certain bacteria in the body can cause other problems like digestive disorders too. A common problem is that of peptic ulcers where the person has reflux and also vomiting. This is also because of the acidity in the stomach and the food remaining undigested giving rise to gasses in the stomach which come up to the mouth. This causes bad breath. However, the cure for this is fairly simple as a drug like Zantac can bring the problem under control and get rid of the bad breath too.

How does Zantac cure bad breath?
Zantac helps in curing the acidity in the stomach which is aggravating the ulcer. With this the heart burn and reflux is reduced and also puts a stop to the odors that emit from these gasses in the stomach. Apart from Zantac an antibiotic may also be prescribed to treat the bacteria in the stomach and the ulcer will also disappear. With this combination in treating the problem the bad breath will be cured also. The main thing is to find out the cause of bad breath and treat it instead of only external solutions.

Consult a doctor for the problem
If a person has any chronic problem with their health it is always advisable to see their personal physician so that they can find out the underlying cause of the problem. Similarly if a person has bad breath accompanied with heart burn and other digestive problems like vomiting then it is better not to try just home remedies but to get expert advice. The doctor will probably have some tests done to diagnose the problem that is causing the bad breath and the heart burn. In case it is confirmed to be a digestive problem then Zantac will help it immediately.

Though Zantac can be procured over the counter it has various strengths and it is better to consult the doctor before buying it for yourself. However, if there is going to be a delay in seeing the doctor then you can start on the medication while waiting for the final diagnosis. Make sure that you keep the doctor informed about the medicines that you have taken prior to seeing him.