Top Advantages of Using LumineersThe field of dentistry has made many advances in the recent decades. Many new techniques have become available today. When it comes to cosmetic dental procedures, the patient has many options and these are very effective. Dental veneers are one such development that can correct a number of problems such as chipped or broken teeth, discolorations and minor misalignments. Lumineers are used by many to improve the smile and get a handsome looking face. When compared to traditional porcelain veneers, lumineers are not only cheaper but also more effective in providing better results. Because of this reason, lumineers have become very popular in the recent years. Lumineers are manufactured by Den-Mat Holdings, LLC. These are manufactured from a kind of porcelain known as Cerinate. Conventional dental veneers are manufactured from dental-quality porcelain. Porcelain is used because its properties are very similar to that of natural enamel of the teeth. Both enamel and porcelain are slightly translucent. When light falls on the enamel layer, it penetrates it and gets reflected by the underlying dentine layer. This is what gives a unique appearance to natural teeth. When porcelain is used, the same appearance is obtained. Lumineers are more advantageous when compared to conventional veneers. The installation procedure is comparatively simple. In the case of porcelain veneers, the teeth have to be ground down before the veneers can be installed. However, in the case of lumineers this step is unnecessary. Lumineers are very thin and so can be directly installed on the teeth without grinding them down. Because of this reason, the procedure to install lumineers is much simpler and less costly when compared to traditional veneers. If you're thinking of getting dental veneers, it is better that you consider lumineers. This is because lumineers are comparatively cheaper and also easier to install. Lumineers cost around $750-$1500 per tooth. Dental veneers can cost up to $2000 per tooth. So by opting for lumineers, you can save a lot of money. At the same time, the procedure to install them is also simple and less costly. This means you can save more money and at the same time obtain better benefits. |