Carbamide peroxide gel

When looking at different home teeth whitening product, you might be looking at the hydrogen peroxide levels. You know that higher levels will give you quicker results, and lesser levels are better to prevent tooth sensitivity. But you sometimes see carbamide peroxide gel, and not hydrogen peroxide.

What is carbamide peroxide ?

Carbamide peroxide is a derivative of hydrogen peroxide. Simply put, it is hydrogen peroxide dissolved in the carbamide gel. When the gel decomposes, it degrades into hydrogen peroxide. The advantages of this new form is mainly the slower release of the peroxide. It makes the whitening procedure more stable and predictable. It is easier to control and also gives a product a longer shelf life.

In general, hydrogen peroxide products are more appropriate for short duration bleaching treatment. And carbamide peroxide is usually used for longer or overnight periods. But with all the different modern methods available for teeth whitening, it is less and less relevant.

So, are carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide the same thing ?

No. The peroxide levels are different. The ratio used in tooth whitening is 3 : 1. So, 6 % hydrogen peroxide is the same as 18% carbamide peroxide. ALways remember that a product with hydrogen peroxide listed in the ingredients will seem weaker then one with Carbamide peroxide.

What percentage do I want for teeth whitening ?

A teeth whitening product with 10% carbamide peroxide is now the norm for home uses, in regards to safety and effectiveness. It is the level accepted by the dental community. You typically don’t see over 25% for a home use product. Lower levels are better for sensitive teeth but you will need to apply the product more often.