Why Laser Teeth Whitening is an Expensive Solution for a Dull Smile

Considered the most advanced medical bleaching procedure, laser teeth whitening is an expensive solution for a dull smile. The laser light is used in combination with a certain type of whitening gel, and the procedure is entirely confined to performance within a medical environment. After the gel is applied on the teeth, the light forces the active substances to enter the crystal like structure and start the discoloration process. Depending on how damaged your teeth are, the laser teeth whitening treatment could take more or less time; usually a session is enough for the mild cases, whereas serious stains require more appointments at the dentist.

The costs of the laser teeth whitening procedure very much depend on the nature of the treatment you will undergo, but the part of the country where you live could also influence the price. Generally speaking, a complete laser teeth whitening intervention would be more than $1000, but if you choose to have in done in California for instance, you'll be surprised to learn that the quotes could get a lot higher. Unfortunately, the costs of such medical treatments are not covered by dental insurance, so you won't be able to take advantage of this facility.

When choosing laser teeth whitening, many people ask themselves how white their teeth can actually get? Opinions vary immensely in relation to the degree of bleaching possible; thus, some dentists claim that the bleaching can get to a nine shade level, whether others stick to an eight scale. Nevertheless, you should not be too keen on the maximum bleaching level since even three or four shades make a huge difference in your smile. The efficiency of the laser teeth whitening treatment also depends on the natural color of the teeth and mention must be made that there are significant variations here too.

For instance, the front teeth are usually the whitest, whereas the eye teeth tend to have the dullest or darkest color. Hence, before actually undergoing the laser procedure, the dentist will perform an evaluation of your dental condition and will discuss options and expectations equally. The outcome of the laser teeth whitening sessions definitely vary from individual to individual, according to a whole set of personal features that distinguish one person from the other. Some very well equipped dental labs may also have virtual simulations showing the patient the shade variations possible, with the only mention that what you get to see is an approximation of the outcome.