Extra Fluoride Formulation Toothpastes For Teeth Whitening

By itself, extra fluoride formulation toothpastes are not able to whiten your teeth, but it can help you keep a bright smile for a longer time after you have completed any form of teeth bleaching treatments. Many people erroneously thought that cheap off the shelf smile whitening formula like whitening lotions and polishing stripes are only capable of use as a transient bright smile help unlike smile beauty treatments from dentists and cosmetic saloons. The truth is that the most vital is the suitable care and looking after of your set of newly brightened teeth. The main cause for discolorations and yellowish stains on your tooth surface is your lack of care. Yes, you did not see the above incorrectly even if you blinked. Folks that pay for costly teeth laser whitening treatments at the teeth specialist will be prescribed special toothpastes which can up hold the whitening end effects. Though these toothpastes look unique compared to the normal Colgate ones, they are in reality not really exclusive. You can easily get them without difficulty from the malls even if you do not want to go to a clinic. Just ask for specialty toothpastes containing extra fluoride. Of course if you spent less than fifty bucks on some UltraDent Opalescence PF 15% whitening gel , then you will hardly be worried about buying another unit of relatively costly extra fluoride toothpaste to maintain your teeth's present brightness.On the other hand, patients that have spent a several thousands bucks on exclusive dentist tooth whitening are more liable to consider their pearly smile preservation more seriously such that it look as if to outsiders that commonplace over the counter tooth whitening medication users ended up with white teeth that turn yellow fast!

So what makes extra fluoride toothpastes so effective for the onslaught of yellowed stains on freshly brightened teeth? To understand this, the thing is that for stain oxidizing to take place, some enamel coating are destroyed so that for the raw dentin layer underneath to soak up the bleaching gel and be oxygenated by the carbide peroxide used by both DIY or dentist in-chair smile whitening medications. Now what creates extrinsic unslightly yellowish stains on your tooth in the beginning. Thats right, the acidic compounds in some beverages and cigarette eat away the teeth enamel protection while the tinted food molecules stain the dentin coating. So if the hydrogen peroxide teeth bleaching gels creates even more openings in the tooth enamel, these turn out to be readily openings for the tinted food molecules from chocolate, mochas, soft drinks.