So many articles has been written about the care of teeth or the cure of halitosis.The teeth is a major part of our mouth that must be given a proper care. Our teeth are very important, so we must protect them against things that can harm them. When you eat, some pieces or particles always remain around your teeth and get mixed with saliva, and this is not good for maintaining healthy teeth.

Now, here are a few tips on maintaining your teeth.
Your toothbrush should be the right size for your teeth.
Your toothbrush should be yours only, that is you must not share your toothbrush with anyone.
Your toothbrush must be kept with the bristles up, so it can dry.
Your toothbrush should clean and soft.
It should also be changed every three-three months.
Brushing your teeth regularly will keep your teeth clean.
It will also keep your mouth fresh.
Prevent your teeth from decay and that prevent you from having bad breath or halitosis.


Negligence of oral hygiene is another obvious cause of bad breath. Brushing and flossing at least twice a day is essential.
Eating a lot of meat and few vegetables and fruits is one major cause of bad breath. For those who already brush and floss on a regular basis, altering their eating habits can greatly eliminate bad odors. Eat a lot of fresh food and fruits instead of protein rich food. This work best also especially to those who never had issues hydrating their bodies with water. This will also give many health benefits as well as being a bad breath remedy!