4 Answers You Need To Know Before Buying A Home Stair Lift

If you decided to buy a home stair lift, the first thing that you must do is to give an answer to this questions.

Waht type of stair lift do I have?

Determening the stair lift type is the first thing that you should do. There are two types of stairs:

- straight stairs

- curved stairs

If you have straight stairs, the cost of the stair lift will be smaller compared to a curved stair lift that is more expensive.

How wide are my stairs?

Do you have wide are narrow stairs?If you have narrow stairs, you should look for a slim or compact device. Also you can opt for a vertical stair lift, a home elevator.

What's the health condition of the user?

Is the user able to use the stair lift safelly? If the user needs assitance or more safety measures look for a stair lift with a seat belt, two remote control, arm and foot resting features.

How long the stair lift will be used?

If the stair lift is to be used just for a short period of time then you should consider buying a used stair lift or rent a stair lift.

In this way you will reduce your cost.

Conclusion: before buying a stair lift, you need to determine the type of stairs that you have, determine how wide are the stairs, the health of the user and his/her conditions and abbilites to use the stair lift and determine how long the stair lift will be used. Depending on this factors you will be able to decide if you buy a new or used stair lift, or just rent one.