How Wheel Chair Quality Has Improved Over the Years

The evolution of wheel chairs has changed much since its origin. In recent years, they have become lighter, more useful, and more comfortable than ever.

The invention of the wheel chair probably dates back to the time that chairs and wheels were invented. Many efforts were made to attach wheels to chairs dating back to the time of Christ. The oldest known picture of a wheel chair dates back to the 6th century from China. A picture of a wheeled chair has also been discovered from ancient Egypt. The likelihood that it existed before a picture was drawn is very likely. King Phillip II of Spain owned a sophisticated chair with wheels around 1595. It featured armrests as well as footrests although he needed aid to propel it.  King Louis XIV of France used a wheeled device while recovering from surgery. Stephan Farfler invented one of the first self-propelled wheel chairs in 1665. It resembled more like a modern day bike because it was propelled with hand brakes fastened to the front wheels. By the 18th century, wheel chairs began to look more like the modern versions of today. They included the two large wheels and a caser in the back.  During the 20th century, many rapid developments emerged including those that are motorized, folding, and lightweight.

A mechanical engineer by the name of Harry Jennings is attributed to inventing the firstin 1933. He partnered with his friend and fellow engineer, Herbert Everest, a paraplegic, who had broken his back in a mining accident. Together they became the first mass manufactures of wheel chairs -. Their x-brace design, with updated improvements is still in use today.Everest and Jenningslightweight wheel chair