Do you suffer from osteo-arthritis?

You may well be wondering what my health issues have got to do with article so I will explain!You see I reached a point in my ealy forties, where the condition caused by severe osteo-arthritis actually all but left me housebound or needing two walking sticks when I seldom ventured outdoors.

At this point my wife left and I do not blame her, after all she was still active and needed new friends.I was then left with my 14 year old daughter to look after whilst she continued her education.One day she came home and announced that she was the only child in her class at school that did not have access to a home computer, which,she needed for her homework assignments!

That week-end we went computer shopping to rectiy the problem.When we arrived home I set the computer up, and she showed how to surf the world wide web.What a revelation it was to me and my old school thinking,I could find anthing I wanted at the click of a mouse.

At this point I thought that I would look up cures for osteo- artthritis but, as anyone with this awful condition knows,there is no cure,just pain management in a multitude of pills and electronic gadgetry.I kept on researching the myriad so called answers but,nothing was listed that took my eye or hadn't tried already.

One afternoon I sat for hours trawling the internet when,out of the blue I found a then breaking news article about a Greek orthopaedic specialist in Australia who had discovered that a mixture of glucosamine and chodroitin had benefitted many of his patients with osteo-arthritis.

At that time I could only get supplies from Australia but, anything was worth trying and, the change in my life came after about three months  which,is roughly how long this supplement took to have the desired effect.How things have changed from my chance encounter all those years ago now.

Today this amazing supplement can be picked up from your local health food store though,most supermarkets also stock it in the health section.This is not a cure but it encourages the growth of cartilage between the joint which has had wonderful results in my own badly damaged and arthritic joints.

The power of information sharing on the internet  is so empowering which is why this article was written.I hope it will help the many afflicted by this dreadful affliction.Cost for this amazing supplement is aroud £6 per month supply and worth every penny or cent to my American audience.