Proper Diet for Stomach Palpitation Patients

Stomach pain and problems such as nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, bloating, gas, and cramping, can be brought on by dietary choices and eating habits. Dealing with your stomach issues shouldn’t be just about finding temporary relief, but rather learning how to cure it and prevent any other stomach problems down the road. The best way to control these ailments is by controlling your diet.

Daily diet for stomach patients should consist of food which has high fiber content so that the bowels are cleared and the stomach is released of the burden of accumulated excreta. Water intake should also be increased to ensure softer, more easily passed stools.

For extra measures, constipating foods like cheese, milk, and bananas should be avoided. Similarly, avoid highly acidic foods like citrus fruit, which can irritate the intestines and slow digestion. All stimulants, such as wines and spices, as well as coffee and tea should be avoided. Rich food and gravies, uncooked vegetables, new bread or warm cakes, sweetmeats, cheese and all of that class of food should be strictly prohibited.

Foods that are high in fat content, foods that are extra spicy, foods that are high in acid, some dairy products, and most gas-producing foods can all cause stomach pain in otherwise healthy individuals. To avoid unwanted stomach pain, limit your intake of rich desserts, fried foods, salsas, spicy ethnic foods, citrus fruits, whole cow’s milk, homemade ice cream, cream, real butter, cabbage, beans, broccoli, apples, and any food item that contains Sorbitol, a common artificial sweetener.

Aside from food choice changes you should also make sure that you chew your food completely before swallowing, that you eat slower and in a more relaxing environment, and that you avoid eating during times of increased stress. If the stomach pain continues or worsens after you have make these dietary changes, schedule for an appointment to speak with your doctor as soon as possible in order to rule out other medical conditions or diseases.