Finding The Best Way How To Get Your Wheelchair In A Van

If you have mobility issues and need to use either a wheelchair or power chair to make it easier for you to travel, then you will need assistance in loading it into your van. You may be trying to decide if you should purchase a ramp or a lift for transportation of your chair. There are different types of ramps and lifts available, it will depend on what will best suit your needs, and what is in your price range. Continue reading for finding the best way how to get your wheelchair in a van.

There are ramps that are a bit more pricey, however, they store themselves under your van when not in use. This allows you to have the entire inside of your vehicle to transport passengers, and for transporting the chair. It also will not block any doors or windows in the way that some particular lifts do.

Several lifts are much smaller and less costly. These can access either the side of the van, or the rear, and will also work with an SUV. Choose the size based on the type of electric chair you will be lifting. The prices will vary based on the size. The disadvantage to these types of lifts is that most take up space in the vehicles interior, however, some that access the rear, do not require any seating to be removed. There is one particular model for power chairs that does not block windows and doors or take up space inside the van.

When you are trying to decide if you want to choose a ramp over a lift, there are a couple of things to consider. The cost may be less with a ramp, however, you will need more space when you are loading and unloading the chair. How much space will depend on the length of the ramp. Ramps will also take up room inside the van, and may affect seating.

Do some comparison shopping for prices, you have a wide range of options to choose from. No one can decide which will be more convenient for you particularly; the choice of ramp or lift is yours. You have the advantage when shopping online of comparing brands and prices, without the hassle, so take advantage of it.