Shoulder Pain - A Symptom Common To Different Conditions

A shoulder pain can be the sign that something is wrong with the rotator cuff, the shoulder joint. When there is an inflammation in the rotator cuff, pain is the most common symptom of troubles to come, if no action is taken. Normally a shoulder pain starts with a tingle, and it grows worse over the time, stronger in the night time, lighter during the day. Sometimes sleep is not possible, especially if resting on the troubled shoulder.

There are different conditions that cause pain in a shoulder. On one hand you can have a Bursitis or a Tendonitis with consequent Impingement Syndrome, on the other hand you can have a Frozen Shoulder, also known as Adhesive Capsulitis. A Bursitis is the inflammation of the Bursa, a sack over which the rotator cuff tendons slide to prevent them from rubbing against the shoulder bones, while a Tendonitis is the inflammation of such tendons. Bursitis and Tendonitis are related and cause the Impingement Syndrome, so called from the clicking sensation felt while moving the arm. Movement, though painful, is possible.

A Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis) is caused instead by a scarring of the membrane protecting the rotator cuff like a capsule. The adhesions can make the capsule thicker, thus restricting the space between the shoulder bones and leading to loss of range of motion, like a jammed mechanism. In the freezing stage movement is possible but pain is highest, in the frozen stage pain subsides but movement is impaired, in the thawing stage movement is very slowly restored.

So there are different causes of a shoulder pain that can be the telling symptoms of troubles to come. I know because I had a frozen shoulder that started with a light tingle and grew worse over the time. Also the rotator cuff, due to its complexity, tends to heal in long times compared to other joints, should something go wrong. But here is where the bad news stop and the good news start. Recovery times, usually months or even few years in the most severe cases, can be greatly reduced with a rotator cuff rehabilitation program.