My 2 Year Olds Child Stutter

The stammering is more of disorder of the word, it's a disorder of the communication. Difficulty of finishing the sentences, jerked and involuntary repetition of syllables, impossibility of pronouncing certain words during a given amount of time: the stammering can have several forms but in all the cases, that results in real difficulties of rendering comprehensible itself .That is particularly true during the childhood: Friends do not understand why a child can't express normally and they exclude him. The experts do not retain l' idea of cause for the stammering but rather a whole of supporting factors (delay of word, tended family climate, anxiety, etc) and some starting events (birth d' another child, removal, change d' school, separation, etc). The genetic factor is now recognized like a causal element of the stammering even if some study of heredity encounters many difficulties. The stammering appears between 2 and 4 years, more rarely with the adulthood. If it disappears naturally at the majority from the children reached, it will persist in a child reached on four. This is why associations of patients, speech therapists and phoniatric specialists insist on the importance of an early assumption of responsibility in order to reabsorb the problems as of more the young age.

Rehabilitation and psychology:

Treatment of the stammering articulate on two essential axes: The occupational optics and the psychological optics. Rehabilitation is generally taken of load by speech therapists and phoniatric specialists (doctor specialized in the disorders of the voice, the word and swallowing). Techniques of relaxation, breath, speech's mode evocation and the development of the thought are some of the exercises recommended to help the patient to give up his conditionings. You can use The psychological optics if you think that the stammering is related to problems due to a major traumatism or a provisional discomfort. In these cases, the psychologist, the psychoanalyst or the psychiatrist are more professionals to bring a solution.