The Unique Advantages of Transport Wheelchairs over Conventional Wheelchairs

Do you need an inexpensive mobility chair that you can bring anywhere?  Are you looking for wheelchairs that do not occupy much storage space, can be folded easily and could fit perfectly in a car's trunk?  If these are your requirements, then transport wheelchairs are your best options.  Transport mobility chairs offer more unique advantages over standard or conventional models.  This is the reason why more and more hospitals and health institutions are replacing conventional mobility chairs with the more versatile transport chairs.  So here is a closer look on transport mobility chairs and how it is different from conventional wheelchairs.

The most obvious difference between transport wheelchairs and standard mobility chairs is the size of the rear wheels.  Standard or conventional models have bigger rear wheels while transport models have smaller rear wheels.  This is the reason why a transport mobility chair is lighter compared to conventional models.  A typical transport model weighs approximately 14 pounds but it can carry a patient weighing 300 pounds.  So it would be easier to bring a transport wheelchair anywhere you want to go.  The weight factor is crucial because your mobility chair would be more versatile if you can carry it wherever you go.  You can regularly enjoy the outdoors if you have a transport mobility chair.

Because transport wheelchairs have smaller wheels, they are less bulky than conventional models.  Do take note that the large wheels of standard mobility chairs and the hand rims can take a lot of space.  Because of its bulk, the functionality and versatility of standard chairs are quite limited. This is not the case if you have a transport mobility chair.  The slim construction and the sleeker body of the wheelchair are perfect for the tight storage space of your vehicle.  You can also easily store the mobility chair in any corner, under your bed or in the closet.  If you have a transport mobility wheelchair, you will never experience inconvenience whenever you go to other places or whenever you visit the house of a friend.

It is more practical to have transport wheelchairs because these mobility devices are easier to maintain and less expensive.  A standard wheelchair has pneumatic tires which require regular maintenance.  You also need to pump air into these pneumatic tires so you can have a comfortable ride.  The extra maintenance of conventional chairs is very inconvenient for you.  So you need a transport wheelchair because it has solid rubber tires.  These tires do not need air and do not require complicated maintenance.  Most important of all, solid rubber wheels are cheaper.  This is the reason why you can easily get a transport mobility chair at a bargain price.

So if you are on a tight budget but you need a highly versatile wheelchair, then the transport mobility model is suitable for you.   There are still other advantages that you can enjoy from transport wheelchairs.  These mobility chairs are equipped with plenty of accessories and attachments to make you more comfortable during your ride.