Combating Malaria: Treatment Techniques of Treating Malaria & Prevention Combat

Combating malaria treatment techniques include effective cures and of prevention. You remember Vietnam described as a malaria combat zone. Treating an infected person and doing effective cure of malaria have become the greatest issues of the millennium.

How large is this need for treatment of malaria to find a faster curing technique?

With malaria in epidemic proportions, approximately a million people, maybe more, including children and pregnant women will die this year due to this disease. This is expected to be linked to lack of an early detection or prevention technique.

Many cost-effective ways of prevention and cure treatments are delivering the goods in the marketplace. The right malaria treatment guidelines, if followed, can create a big difference. In addition to this, the United Nations has integrated control of this disease as one of its important millennium development goals thus making malaria treatment a top priority.

This article should assist you to figure some of the better ways to combat malaria at an individual level, Also find malaria treatment guidelines which have already been implemented by the government.

Avoid mosquitoes:one of the best combating malaria treatment techniques

Mosquitoes are the carriers of this disease. Just the mere sting of these mosquitoes spreads the infection. So the greater task here is how to avoid the infestation of mosquitoes? Well, for starters try and avoid the high risk areas where its spread is higher due to heavy natural concentration of mosquitoes. If however, you must travel, be sure you use preventive medications. Malarone and Lariam are both commonly generally used prescription drugs.

Early prevention of malaria is a must. Do not forget to carry an insect repellent. An insect repellent with a DEET concentration of 35-50% can do the job for you.

To avoid contracting the disease, cover your body exceptionally well.

Combating malaria preventively is to wear clothes that cover your body. With less exposure, you avoid the mosquitoes. Treated with permethrin clothes is wise. Permethrin is a synthetic chemical useful as an insecticide. As an alternative, you can use an insecticide treated mosquito net to avoid mosquitoes during darkness and into the night time. This will also help you sleep soundly at night without any distractions because of the mosquitoes.

It is worth your health to find out more about combating malaria treatment techniques .