Living with Chronic Back Pains

During my four years in the military I have taken quite a betting, both physically and mentally. I used to think that I would just do my time and let that be that. But, it has been almost a year already and I have come to the realization that the things that have affected me in the military have followed me into my civilian life. Now, like so many others who have gone through what I have gone through are forced to under go therapy after therapy and if it dose not get any better in the near future I might have to go through surgery which by the way I am not too fond of.

They say that the therapies are good for you and that you are getting better each time you go. But, at least for me it feels like my weekly slow torture session where they twist me and turn me in every direction that I do not want to go in. Sometimes I find that I cry myself to sleep, because of my back pains and the various other things that have happened to me I am unable to provide for my family. The fact that my wife has become the provider made me feel quite emasculated .

Although the pills and the therapies would do something for me I found that it was up to me to find an alternative method that would at least give me some relief so that I could carry on my day. So I started researching into the subject and reading about other veterans who have gone through the same troubles that I have. Seeing so many others like me made me feel good and made it seem like I could go on with my life. What I found out was that a lot of them had to get bedding that helped them with their back pains. On the various veteran sites that I went on I found a few things that helped like serta mattresses but I did not stop their. After learning that a simple change to my bed set might actually be the relief I was seeking I dwelled even deeper into this mystery. What I found was that there are quite a few things that I could do to my bedding to give me the relief that I have been craving for some time now. The things I found where feather beds, these things are great feather beds go on top of your mattress and they give you a feeling of floating on a cloud. Also there where many recommendations for a luxury down comforter. The luxury down comforter took me a little looking into because it was so expensive I did not want to get it and have it rip or tear on me. So what I did was look into how I could prevent this from happening to me. What I found was that duvet covers are a great way to protect down comforters. When I got both of them I was pleasantly surprised in how easy it was to put duvet covers on. The only thing I had to do was put the comforter inside the duvet cover set, give it a few shakes to smooth everything out and snap it close. Since the changes I made to my bedding I find that my back pains are fewer and farther between. Now I have more time for my family and most importantly more energy for my wife I recommend everyone with back pains to try doing these simple things to there bed set and see where that takes you.

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