Bipolar disorder - Knowing the Facts

As more and more people are being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, there is now a need to know more information about it.

Many have wrong conceptions if bipolar disorder and think that it is something to be frightened of or something that should be feared in a person. But it isn't, it is a genuine disorder. Years ago, we would not have the information we have now about these types of illness and any thought of it would be completely disregarded. We are now in an era where health physicians and the general public have an awareness of the disorder and now.

The site aims to educate people with or without the disorder. The site is written by someone who has been diagnosed by bipolar, so they know the realistic effects of the disorder rather than the effects that the health physicians know about the disorder. Being diagnosed with bipolar disorder can mean a life of controlled anti depressants, but this shouldn't be feared by sufferers, this should be welcomed as it helps tremendously as it can help to alleviate some symptoms that come with bipolar.

The site helps by using articles from sufferers of Bipolar Disorder and using articles that the creator has written himself with more symptoms and a more thorough description of the disorder. As a site designed to help people with bipolar disorder or someone who knows someone close to them who has been diagnosed by bipolar treatment, this site also provides success stories; showing people that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

A diagnosis is not a death sentence. This site is perfect for motivational hints and tips for sufferers; it also provides a newsletter for hints and tips for dealing with bipolar.