10 Ways to Help Prevent Acne

Acne happens to most of us. It does not matter if your young or old you can get acne. Once we do see pimples we want to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

List below are some helpful tips you can use to help stop and prevent feature break outs of acne. Now whether you have a sever case of acne or just a few bumps here and there these methods can help clear your skin.

1. Try to avoid touching your face as much as possible. Most people do not even know they are touching their face, but we all do it. Touching your face will only spread dirt and oil, and lead to more break outs.

2. Follow directions. This might sound simple, but some people simply do not follow the directions of theacne treatmentproducts they bought, and see poor results.

3. If you have long hair try to keep it out of your face. Your hair will leave behind dirt and oil leading to more feature break outs of acne.

4. Work out and get some good exercise in. Working out helps open the pores, and makes your body sweat which is good. Just make sure to shower right after you work out.

5. Do not pop your pimples. I know it can be hard to do, but it is the best thing for you. If you pop your pimples this can lead to scaring and feature brake outs of more acne.

6. Eat a well balanced diet. Having a poor diet and eating incorrectly can cause your body to brake out, and in most cases this is the main cause of acne for most people. So it is important to get on a good balanced diet plan.

7. Drink more water. Water will help clean out your bodies system.

8. If you buy acne products try to stick with ones that are more natural. Natural acne treatment products will be less likely to cause irritation.

9. Do not wipe away your sweat with your hands or arms or even your shirt. Most people when they sweat tend to just wipe it off with their sleeve, or their hand. If you can avoid this it is a big plus. Try to get a clean paper towel or napkin and wipe away your sweat if you can.

10. Change and wash your pillow cases. If you do not wash or change your pillow cases that often you need to start doing it. Your pillow cases can have dirt and oil on them, and when you sleep on them at night the dirt and oil will get on your face.

Acne is not that hard to get under control, and cure it for good. You just have to take it one step at a time, and the above 10 steps can help you reach your goals of having clear skin. Just make sure you follow these helpful acne tips and put them to good use as they have helped me clear up my skin.