Residential Elevators for the Mobility Impaired

Residential elevators offer exceptional convenience for mobility impaired and physically challenged individuals in their residences. These are wonderful options to gain easy access to the various floors in a safe and easy manner. Residential elevators are a cost-effective accessibility alternative and are less complex than commercial elevators .

The Right Accessibility Option for New and Existing Constructions

The major advantage of residential elevators is that they can be installed in new constructions as well as in existing homes without making architectural modifications. Moreover, these also help to transport furniture, groceries, laundry and other heavy objects between floors. Apart from providing convenient floor to floor access, these equipments provide luxury to your home and enhance its resale value.

For providing comfortable and safe travel for the mobility impaired between the floors of your home, residential elevators are incorporated with premium safety features. These include:

• Cable safety devices
• Over speed governors
• Emergency stop controls
• Doors integrated with interlocks
• Emergency alarm and light
• Telephone system
• Under-car safety sensors

Available in Different Cab Configurations

Residential elevator models that can be mounted without maintaining separate machine room and elevator pits are easily obtainable. The various models are also provided with features that can be altered according to the specific requirements of the user and the environment of your home. These equipments are available in different platform dimensions and cab configurations including those designed with open platforms or completely enclosed cabins built with safety gates. As far as the maintenance is concerned, residential elevators require minimum maintenance services.

Purchase from a Reliable Dealer

Well known manufacturers offering advanced models of residential elevators in the US include Thyssenkrupp Access, Savaria Concord and Federal Elevator. The right model of residential elevators based on your requirements can be purchased from reliable dealers. These dealers can provide simple installation and excellent maintenance support which helps to keep the elevator in an excellent condition for several years.