About Acne Skin Reasons

Acne usually affects people from 10 to 40. So it is not a "teen-agers problem" as it used to be suggested. The breakout is concerned with systemic condition that is why it may arise after 20 or 30, irrespective of age or sex. Women are suffering from acne just little more than men. Acne can appear on the skin as any of the following types: congested pores (comedones), whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, pustules, or cysts. Acne usually does not actually contain infectious bacteria.

It is difficult to say if any one factor causes acne. Acne never happens without stimulating by male hormones of both boys and girls (men or women). Little children never have acne.

Here are some factors that mention to cause acne, inter alia:

Inheritance:sometimes people have the problem as their parents did. But it is safe to say that everyone has some acne at some point in their life.

Food:there is a well-known opinion that pizza, chocolate, fried and junk food aggravate the acne risk. Even these foods don't cause acne or make it worse but they increase an amount of biological skin fat.

Dirt:the entire world knows that dirt does not cause acne; the problem is oil, not dirt. Sweat does not cause acne too; it should seem that it is not necessary to shower after exercises. On the other hand, cosmetologists usually say that healthy skin is clear skin. The controlling factor of facial treatment is forehanded clarifying and peel-off clarifying.

Stress:stress, however, does not play much of a direct role in causing acne. On the other hand, stress and negative affection reduce your vitality and phylactic power.

Hormones:some women have blackheads cyclically, but most women (and men) don't. Some oral contraceptives may help do away with acne skin. Pregnancy brings to bear a variable influence on acne skin. Some woman clear up completely, and others get worse, it is also possible to see no overall change.

Cosmetics:we used to think most cosmetic and skin-care products are not pore-clogging. Nevertheless all depends on your own reaction, one way or another the "water-based" or "oil-free" preparations are generally a better choice.

If you have acne and you feel that it is getting worse you should let a professional dermatologist have a look at your condition and prescribe an appropriate treatment for you. It might be well to examine your health condition to find the main cause of acne. Find more acne treatments tips at Natural Acne Care Blog .