Wheelchair Lifts - Commercial and Residential Models

Wheelchair liftsare largely used by physically handicapped individuals and old people. As wheel chair lifts are used in homes, offices, and a variety of public buildings, commercial as well as residential models are available in the market. Most of the branded wheel chair stair lift manufacturers have attractive and high utility lift models for commercial and residential purposes. Since the usage ofwheelchair liftsin houses and commercial buildings varies and the way in which the lift is handled differs with different users, residential and commercial vertical platform lifts differ in their features so as to match different situations.

In some countries, there are laws that insist on providing facility for handicapped and physically weak people to access places of worship, airports, railway stations, schools, hospitals and more. Commercial wheelchair stair lifts available in vertical lift models are for this purpose. A commercial wheelchair lift has a motor driven platform that can move through different floor levels. These lifts are provided with internal switches which provide the facility for the rider to control the lift. Call-send controls and other necessary safety measures are provided in these lifts. Commercial stair lifts are not accessible to people who cannot bend their knee because these lifts are not provided with swivel seats.

Stair lifts having platforms can accommodate habitual wheelchair users, cane-users, and other physically challenged people who are unable to climb stairs. The mechanism and technology used in residential and commercial stair lifts are almost the same. Wheelchair lifts feature a heavy duty mechanism for withstanding wear and tear due to constant use of the public. Commercial wheelchair stair lifts are flexible to install in varying building architectures. As a precaution against the misuse of the lift by children, the controls are provided high enough so that children cannot reach them.

For residential use, straight and curved stair lifts in different models and brands are available in the market. When deciding to purchase stair lifts for your house, you can request for the assistance of a technician from the lift manufacturing company who can advise you on selecting the stair lift suitable for your home interior. For home use, luxurious cushioned lifts are available in the market. As wheelchair lifts are usually meant for individual purposes, the users are free to buy models of their choice. Thyssenkrupp Access, Savaria Concord, and Bruno are some of the world class wheel chair lift manufacturers.