Caring for Your Electric Wheelchair - How Hard Can it Be?

You've finally took the plunge and purchased an electronic wheelchair, and it's great. But you may not be sure how to maintain and care for your new wheelchair. This article provides tips on taking care of the wheelchair so you can get the most benefit from it.

First, make sure that you keep your wheelchair clean, by cleaning the frame, cushions and motor sections regularly. Dust and airborne irritants can cause problems if they work their way into the engine, and having a clean chair will also provide a pleasant environment for yourself. Regular cleaning will also keep your wheelchair's battery and motor working at optimum efficiency.

Next, make sure that the battery on your chair does not run down completely. Make sure you follow the manufacturer's instructions for charging and maintaining the battery at all times. Following these instructions will extend both the battery life and the life of your wheelchair.

Finally, make sure you have the nuts and bolts in your wheelchair checked periodically. If the nuts and bolts are too loose, ask to have them tightened. Doing so will prevent unnecessary wear and tear on your wheelchair, and will extend the life of your wheelchair. You can even set up your own home maintenance schedule to remind yourself when your wheelchair is due for maintenance.

By using these simple maintenance skills, you can get the most out of your electric wheelchair. Following these steps will allow you to enjoy your electric wheelchair for as long as possible.