Electric Stair Chair Lifts for Straight Stairways

Electric stair chair lifts for straight stairwaysare the best accessibility devices for use on straight stairways. These lifts resolve the mobility problems of people in accessing different floors. They add a touch of luxury and practical convenience to your home or office.

Straight Stairway Lifts for Quick, Smooth Transportation

Stair chair lifts for straight stairways can be installed on either side of the staircase. These fit close to the edge of the staircase. They feature quick and smooth operation, and can be used both indoors and outdoors. In the industry, ThyssenKrupp Access and Savaria Concord are among the leading manufacturers who offer electric stair chair lifts for outdoor and indoor use. They offer highly featured models such as B.07 Straight Stair Chair and Step Saver Straight Stair Chair, Citia stair lift, Excel stair lift with folding rail, Stair-Glide stair lift and Flow stair lift

Benefit from Various User-friendly Features

Most of the electric stair lifts come with a wide range of practical features for efficient use. ThyssenKrupp Access offers Citia stair lift model with multiple seating features. This unit is available as A/C model and BOS (Battery Operated Systems). It has a swivel seat which allows the passenger to swivel only at the landing stage and not during the ride. While riding, the system is locked at 70 or 90 degree, thus allowing the user to move up and down safely. Apart from these, it has adjustable seat height, folded footrest, obstruction sensor, premium seating with six interchangeable options, handheld pendant controls, seat belt and swivel seat cut-off switch.

Purchase the Best Model that Suits Your Needs

There are numerous dealers and manufacturers, who offer high quality accessibility products at the industry’s most competitive price tag. These solution providers help you in selecting the right product that satisfies your needs and budget.