Disability Aids

Disability aids are devices designed to assist in the lives of those people living with disabilities and can be anything from a bottle opener right through to a mobility scooter or stair left and beyond.

Disabilities can be brought on by any number of things, whether an accident, age or birth and these sometimes simple devices can drastically improve the quality of life of those affected.

As mentioned above, even the smallest item can act as a disability aid. Common simple aids can include utensil holders; an extension of the utensil handle designed to help those with a less effective grip use the utensil, foam tubing can also be used as a utensil holder, increasing the size of a handle.

Some people with a disability may also need bed aids, such as raisers; for those who are unable to get onto a lower platform. Bed bound people may find use in an over bed table, allowing them to dine, read, or do anything that requires a solid surface without having to get out of bed. Bed rails are important for those who are at risk of rolling out of bed in their sleep or would be particularly vulnerable to a fall out of bed.

Moving onto bigger disability aids, the obvious example is a wheelchair. Wheelchairs allow those with little or no use of their legs to become mobile and get around much as an able bodied person would. Something mentioned above, stair lefts, are also a great idea for those with limited mobility; allowing a frail or immobile person to ascend and descend stairs without using their legs.

People who would be interested in the above mentioned aids, may also benefit from a bathing assist such as a bath lift. Bath lifts allow those with restricted movement to get in and out of the bath unhindered. With a bath lift, you do not need to worry about getting stuck in the bath. If the battery does not carry enough charge to lower and raise you from the bath, then you will not be lowered in the first place.

Other bathing aids include bath boards, shower stools, long handled brushes, tap turners and bath steps. For those with nerve problems, there exist temperature sensitive bath plugs which change colour to alert the user to the heat when a certain temperature is reached.