Benzoyl Peroxide and Pregnancy: Benzoyl Peroxide, a wise choice for pregnant women?

During pregnancy, acne can be particularly disturbing. The biggest question most women have is how to treatment effectively during pregnancy. Benzoyl peroxide is a chemical that is used to bleach fabric, teeth and hair. It's bleaching properties are testimony enough of its potent and aggressive properties.

For many people suffering from acne, benzoyl peroxide has become a trusted companion. It is found in a number of acne products.

Is it safe to use during pregnancy?

Although no substantial controlled studies have been conducted on pregnant women using benzoyl peroxide, it is  considered to be relatively safe to use. The reason for this is that only about 2% of benzoyl peroxide is absorbed into the system. Opinions vary amongst the medical community regarding the use of benzoyl peroxide during pregnancy. Most physicians have came to the conclusion that it is safe, the amount absorbed into the system is not enough to cause any fetal harm whatsoever.

Others argue the fact that because there is no fundamental evidence of its safety to use during pregnancy and therefore an alternative treatment should be implemented.

Benzoyl peroxide falls under the C category. The C category is an index of drugs and medications that have not been tested on humans or animals. Therefore it is not know if it is safe to use during pregnancy.


Most experts agree that benzoyl peroxide is safe to use during pregnancy. However, you should always consult your doctor before using any kind of medication during pregnancy. This includes herbal remedies as well.

In some cases, acne treatments containing all herbal ingredients have shown to more harmful effects on the fetus than some chemical based remedies.