Scooter Chairs - Are They Right For You?

The decision to purchase a scooter chair can be a tough one, there are a lot of considerations to take into account when you are trying to fit yourself with a mobility device. I recently put my Grandmother into a chair and we took a long time to make the decision becuase of the cost that is associated and the sheer amount of options and chairs that are available.

First Thing Is First
Where will you be using the scooter chair the most? Will you be using it outdoors, Indoors or a little of both? Some seniors can get around their house fine, however when it comes to walking around a shopping center, or getting out of the house things can be a little more difficult. Someone that is in this situation would find a chair that is made for primarily outdoors will suit them perfectly.
If your main focus is to trade in your wheelchair for something that makes life a bit easier, an indoor chair could be a better choice.

The Decision that My Family Made.
My grandmother had a difficult time getting around outside of the house however we knew that in a few years that could change. My family decided to go for something that is the best of both worlds.

The Next Step
Most Scooter Chairs are covered either totally or partially by insurance. They will work with Medicare and Medacaid as well. The next step is to see what your options are. I would suggest looking into one of the big companies like Hoveround or scooter store. They have a lot of experience meeting your needs and have a great backing to their products. not to mentioned, I found that they have some of the best chairs that are on the market.

When it was time to buy we ended up going with Hoveround because their chairs fit our needs a bit better. I have put todether a website with the information that I gathered in the buying process. You will find the fleet of hoveround scooter chairs and a bit about them. you can also get a free information packet that details all of the primary and secondary questions that you will have. I hope this is helpful. Click the link " Scooter Chairs