Disabled Living In Ontario Can Go For A Lot Of Disability Benefits

People living here with disabilities have not to worry about the supporting hands because the Canada government has launched several beneficiary programs, and Ontario citizens can claim for the Ontario Disability Benefits. This is one of the ambitious plans of the government to provide direct help to the disabled people in the form of income support and employment supports. The disabled people are largely supported by the external helps needed to live life comfortably. The Ontario disability support program (ODSP) is managed and delivered by the Ministry of Community and Social Services.

The agenda of the ODSP is to provide benefits, special payment, rapid reinstatement, determining income support, etc. This program is basically designed to meet the unique needs of the disabled people and their families, who are in need of financial support as well as want to work for additional support. It is intended to provide the necessary supports to enable these affected people and families to live independently in the community. To avail the benefits you must have a verified physical or mental disability for the last one year or more. This defection must make it difficult to care for you, participate in community life and must be 18 year of age. And you must be a resident of Ontario.

There are 2 step processes to examine your conditions of eligibility; first step is to assess your financial condition and second step is to consider your health (physical and mental) conditions. Ontario disability benefit sources are reliable enough but you have to prove your eligibility first. Under the disability determination process the health professionals complete the disability determination package provided by Ontario works. The package must be returned to the disability adjudication unit within 90 days.

The criteria include the persons in receipt of Canada Pension Plan Disability. He or she should be 65 years of age or older and not eligible for Old age security. The income support determined on the basis of legislated rates, family size and age of children as well as type and cost of recommendation. It deducts any chargeable income. In addition to the monthly income support, the eligible people under Ontario disability benefit can find some other benefits, such as drug and dental coverage, vision care, pregnancy/breast-feeding nutritional allowance, mobility devices and repairs, hearing aids etc. People can find some online counseling guidance in order to avail these facilities.