Advantages And Disadvantages To Completely-In-The-Canal (Cic) Hearing Aids

When it comes to hearing aids it is important that you pick the hearing aid that will be best for you over an extended period of time. For that reason it is important that you inform yourself on the different hearing aids available. This article will tell you about completely-in-the-canal hearing aids and some of its advantages and disadvantages.

CIC hearing aids are the smallest hearing aids available today which make them virtually invisible to an observer. They are custom fitted for the individual's ear and rest deep inside your ear canal. It is for that reason that these hearing aids provide the most natural hearing process.

You can receive a CIC hearing aid if your ear canal is large enough to allow the hearing aid to reach a certain insertion depth. Also, it is meant for people who have mild to moderate hearing loss. If you have dexterity problems such as arthritis these are not recommended for you because you have to deal with very small instruments and batteries.

Advantages CIC hearing aids are the most cosmetically appealing hearing aid available today because they are the smallest hearing aid and are virtually invisible. If you want to be discreet about wearing a hearing aid this is the one for you. You also receive the most natural sound from a CIC hearing aid because the microphone of the device sits inside your ear canal.

These hearing aids also provide a natural boost in loudness thanks to the placement of the receiver, or speaker, close to the eardrum. So you do not only get a natural sound from the microphone being in your ear canal, but you also get a natural boost in loudness from the receiver.

Unfortunately, the disadvantages for this hearing aid are many. First, CIC hearing aids are more expensive than in-the-ear hearing aids. If you are on a budget this is not the hearing aid for you. Also, because of the size CIC hearing aids are not recommended for children because their ears are continually growing. If you have arthritis you will have difficulty with replacing the battery.

Feedback is another problem with CIC hearing aids because the microphone and receiver are so close there is a large amount of feedback which many find to be annoying. CIC hearing aids are also more at risk for earwax and moisture damage compared to larger hearing aids. This leads to a higher repair rate for CIC hearing aids compared to other hearing aids.

There are a few advantages to completely-in-the-canal hearing aids and many disadvantages. Now that you know a little about CIC hearing aids you can make an informed decision on whether they are right for you.