Starting A Physical Activity Program For People With Disabilities- Where Is First Base?

Our list of Clients is growing by the month, as people see the value in the services we provide to people with disabilities and the industry as a whole. We are passionate about assisting organisations and clients gain the best possible outcome with regard to their health and well-being.

Some organisations when trying to start a Physical activity & health and fitness program often ask us "Where is first base?" "How do we start?" "What do we do?". Great questions,

The first thing we do, BEFORE deciding on what model we will implement, is to take a good history of the clients that will be using he program. What are the disability types, medical conditions, previous injuries etc.  WE follow this with another 7 step system.

We are constantly asked about what should be included in the Program. As a general rule, we incorporate Strength, Flexibility and Cardiovascular Activities. We also do this in astructuredway, building slowly and steadily and most importantly, minimising injuries.

Trying to do this on your own is tough work. You are basically re-inventing the wheel and attempting to do this ad hoc. It is like trying to shoot for a target in the dark

We have great systems with tools, checklists and support mechanisms that make the process seamless, and easy to operate. The great thing is that the system also comes with staff training!

If you're floundering due to time constraints, then you need to contact us ASAP. You will not regret it!

Call us now on 0419 401 915, or email" to schedule a free consultation.