Freedom and Mobility Even with Disability

With the many mobility products that are available today, there is no reason that anyone should find themselves immobile or relying on others to provide them with assistance.  If you are really seeking ways that you can really grab onto your independence, then there are several things that you can consider.  The first of these is a wheelchair accessible van or minivan.  These vehicles are regular cars that have been converted to accommodate a wheelchair or a mobility scooter, and may even have several additional features that can make driving easier for anyone with disabilities.  These mobility vehicles can be expensive, of course, but you can seek out dealers that offer used models as well as wheelchair van rentals.

These wheelchair vans will likely include a wheelchair lift, which is in place to assist the driver into the car with his or her wheelchair or scooter.  This particular wheelchair lift is called a platform lift, and is either electric or hydraulic.  There are some lifts, however, that are not intended to get the wheelchair and the driver into the vehicle.  These lifts, instead, are meant to lift the wheelchair or scooter and secure it to the back of the vehicle, but only for the sake of transportation.

The other types of wheelchair lifts that can make your life easier are stair wheelchair lifts.  These can also be platform lifts that work something like an elevator.  Many establishments will provide a platform wheelchair lift outside, so that gives you some idea of the type of lift that you're looking for.  You can also find wheelchair lifts that can carry the user and the wheelchair up an entire flight of stairs, and not just a small amount of them.

Before making a decision, you should first figure out exactly what your needs are.  There are many different types available, and each will perform a different function.  You may find that you need more than one wheelchair lift depending on the different uses that you have in mind.  Take a look around your home and vehicle to see which best fits your needs.  Then be sure to shop around so that you're getting the best deal on exactly what you want.  You may also want to consult your doctor, too, to make sure that there aren't any issues that you haven't thought of yet.  Once you've made your purchase, though, you're on your way to greater independence.