A New Meaning Of Life For Disabled People

The social assistance programs in Ontario help in covering housing, child care and health expenses. These programs are extremely useful to the residents of Ontario who need financial assistance. Such programs provide money for covering the cost of basic necessities like food, housing as well as employment assistance. This enables the individuals to search for a job as well as continue with it. The residents of Ontario can utilize the benefits of two distinct social assistance programs; these are Ontario Disability Support Program and Ontario Works. Both the programs were created by the government of Canada in the year 1998.

The Ontario Disability Support Program Income Support provides different kinds of financial assistance to disabled people. The program allows them to pay for their livelihood. It includes the expenses on accommodation and food. Therefore, the people with disabilities are provided with:

a)     Financial Assistance: This is referred to as Income Support. It is useful to the disabled people who need financial assistance. Such people are able to pay for basic expenses like food and shelter.

b)    Employment: The program helps disabled people to find a job. This is referred to as Employment Supports. This program is helpful to the disabled people who possess the capability and desire to work. These people can prepare themselves for a job.

The Ontario Disability Support Program is managed and implemented by the Ministry of Community and Social Services. The program intends to provide employment and income to the eligible people with disabilities. Moreover, this program also recognizes that communities, government, individuals and families share the responsibility of providing such support. Besides this, the people with disabilities are served in an efficient manner. Apart from these, the program is also accountable to all the taxpayers living in Ontario.

The disability program has not only provided relief to the disabled people living in Ontario, but also to their families. The disabled people are enabled to earn a livelihood and create a distinct niche for themselves in the society. They need not depend on anyone for anything. Thus, they are capable of competing with other individuals in every walk of life.