Wheel Chair Porch Lifts Give People Access

Wheel chair porch lifts and wheel chair ramp designs can make your porch or deck easily accessible to those with limited mobility. My father could have used either one when he developed emphysema. There came a time when he could no longer access the porch he and my mother used to enjoy.

Porch lifts are also called vertical lifts, platform lifts, or deck lifts. You do not have to be confined to a wheel chair or scooter to gain the benefits of a vertical lift. Anyone who cannot climb stairs well or is unstable on their feet would welcome this equipment.They allow an individual who can no longer negotiate stairs safely or is confined to a wheel chair or scooter safe access to a porch or deck.

Platform lifts generally have a platform that travels up and down on a stationary tower taking you from ground level to different heights. Operation is simple. Just walk on or roll on and push a button to raise or lower the lift. Safety devices are in place to prevent injury. The entire process takes less than a minute. They normally extend anywhere from 3 feet to 12 feet in height and can handle up to 600 pounds.

When deciding on what specific type wheel chair porch lift you may should consider the following:

- An emergency stop, an on/off, and a key switch for power

- Safety device to automatically stop operation when touched from underneath to prevent crushing a child or pet

- Switches at top and bottom for ease of operation

- Safety device (a self-closing gate) should be installed across the opening on the porch or deck to prevent someone from falling when the lift is in the down position

- Check with your local building codes department to determine the specific requirements for your area before purchasing or installing the unit

- The mounting area should extend at least 12 inches larger than the base of the lift

- A 15-amp 100 vac exterior receptacle is normally required for power and should be located close to the unit

- The wall beside the lift must be free of protrusions

Wheelchair porch lifts are ideal to allow anyone with limited mobility or in situations where a wheel chair ramp is not feasible. Wheel chair ramps normally require 15 or more feet of space depending on the height of your porch or deck. A wheel chair lift needs only a few feet to operate effectively.

Vertical lifts are a good investment. As our society ages more of us will need assistive devices so we can enjoy our lives. We will be looking for homes that are easily accessible so that we can remain in them longer. A wheel chair porch lift may be just the answer.