Osteoarthritis Pain - Discover The Amazing Ingredient For Pain Free Joints In The Next 10 Minutes!

Osteoarthritis pain and aches add a lot of discomfort in the life of the person suffering from it. According to statistics released by the Mayo clinic, more than 21 million people suffer from osteoarthritis pain in the United States. Find out the expert facts on how you can gain freedom from osteoarthritis pain naturally.

A majority of the people suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee, although it can also afflict other joint areas such as neck, hands, fingers, etc. It damages the cartilage over a period of time. This leads to stiff joints and a significant loss of elasticity.

The role of cartilage cushion is to act as a shock absorber. It helps to prevent the bones from rubbing against each other. When the cartilage wears down; osteoarthritis pain increases.

The timely treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee gains special significance because we use our knees a lot as a part of our day to day activities. Jogging, running, exercising, sports and constant bending -- all involve the use of knees and this can exasperate the osteoarthritis pain.

So, whether you suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee, hands, feet, neck, etc.; what are the natural treatments for an effective long-term relief from osteoarthritis?

Omega-3 fatty acids are excellent natural anti-inflammatory. They play a vital role in our overall health including brain and cardiovascular health, skin health, and digestive system and much more. Their supplementation in our diet in the form of fish oil supplements can help a lot in controlling inflammation and providing relief from osteoarthritis pain.

Research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids decrease inflammation and also inhibit the activity of enzymes that break down cartilage. Unfortunately, the average Western diet is highly deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids.

The green lipped mussel found in New Zealand is also another excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory and helps to reduce stiff joints, pain, improves grip strength and enhances joint mobility in patients suffering from osteoarthritis. It is used in combination with fish oil to form the best supplements for the treatment of osteoarthritis pain.

Although it cannot be claimed that using fish oil Omega 3 supplementation would cure osteoarthritis symptoms, it will definitely improve your overall health and at the same time provide great relief in osteoarthritis pain.

However, you should consult your doctor before you use fish oil Omega 3 supplementation as a means of osteoarthritis pain treatment in case you are using anti-coagulants or blood thinner medications such as aspirin on prescription. This is because Omega 3 fatty acids are natural blood thinners and taking too many blood thinners would lead to side effects.

While prescription drugs such as Cox-2 inhibitors like Vioxx for relieving osteoarthritis pain have proven themselves as serious health hazard's due to their fatal side effects; natural alternatives such as fish oil omega-3 supplementation are the best resort for effective pain relief and treatment of osteoarthritis.