Obtain The Benefits You Are Entitled To

A disability can have a severe impact on the life of the disabled individual. Not only does a disability restricts an individual's ability to perform the routine activities, but also proves detrimental to his/her ability to meet personal and professional commitments. A disabled person has to face constant challenges beginning from the time disability engulfs him/her. The diagnosis of the condition itself causes stress to the individual as well as to the people related to him/her. In addition, the burden of expensive treatments also poses additional hindrances to the everyday life of disabled people. Any person suffering from a disability has the right to receive several benefits. However, the benefits that are available vary from individual to individual.

Apart from the disability benefits , disabled people can also utilize various tax credit programs. Such programs are extremely useful to the disabled people as they help in decreasing the amount of income tax a disabled individual might otherwise need to pay. Disability tax credit programs incorporate the non-refundable credits which decrease the amount of income tax that an individual suffering from a serious and prolonged physical or mental impairment is supposed to pay.

In general, the disabled individuals need to fulfill certain conditions for availing tax credits through different tax credit programs. The individual must be suffering from a severe physical or mental impairment. Besides this, the impairment should be persistent or is expected persist for one year at least. However, the most important requirement is the certification from a qualified medical practitioner. This implies that the medical practitioner must certify that your impairment is prolonged as well as severe. This is done by completion of Disability Tax Credit Certificate. The certificate needs to highlight and identify the effect of disability on your body's normal functioning.

The best part of the disability tax credit programs is that even if an individual is unable to avail the tax credit benefits due to lack of taxable income, the benefits can be easily transferred to his/her spouse or any other supporting person.

As a disabled person you must always remember the fact that the disability benefits are meant for you only. You are entitled to these benefits. Though a tax credit program may seem to be a drop in the ocean, but it is definitely beneficial in the long run.