A Ray Of Hope To Disabled People

If you are suffering from a disability , you must have heard the term "disability tax credit". In the beginning, you might have asked yourself who is eligible to receive these benefits. Now the question that arises is whether you are eligible to utilize the disability benefits or not.

In general, the disability tax credit is described as a non-refundable tax-credit which is utilized for reduction of income taxes for the individuals who are included in the eligibility list. For instance if you are eligible to receive disability tax credit and you find yourself in a situation where you are not able to receive all or a part of the credit (due to lack of taxable income), then the disability tax credit would be transferred to your common-law partner, spouse or any other supporting person. Isn't it wonderful? However, the only necessary condition is that both you as well as the person supporting you must be residents of the nation during the tax year which is applicable.

An individual needs to meet three necessary conditions for availing disability tax benefits. Firstly, you should have a serious impairment in your physical and/or mental functions. Moreover, the impairment needs to be prolonged implying that it has been persisting or would remain persistent for a period of one year at least. Last but not the least; a qualified medical practitioner must verify that your impairment is serious and prolonged. This can be done by completion of your Disability Tax Credit Certificate. After completion, the Disability Tax Credit must emphasize and provide details about the effect of impairment on the normal functioning of your body.

The Disability Tax Credit can also be claimed by the parents caring for a child who has been impaired by a prolonged and severe physical or mental impairment which considerably limits his/her capability to perform the basic activities of life. The disability needs to be verified by a qualified medical practitioner.

After realizing that you are eligible to avail the benefits, you must be wondering what should be the next step. Don't get frightened by the cumbersomeness of the procedure involved. There are several agencies and organizations which would be glad to extend a helping hand to make your endeavor a success.