Age Proof Your Home with a Residential Elevator

Residential elevators were a chosen amenity for 94,000 homeowners last year!  These homeowners were among the ever-increasing number of individuals who recognize the benefits of avoiding a “vertical mobility challenge” by age proofing their home through the installation of an elevator.  Elevators – whether luxuriously appointed or simple in style - are a practical way to add functionality to any home and can be uniquely designed to reflect the needs and tastes of the homeowners.

Today’s residential elevators are high quality, low maintenance, require no hydraulic fluids or machine rooms and are surprisingly affordable.  They can be incorporated into the plans for new construction or retrofitted into an existing home.  The addition of a residential elevator is truly the ultimate way to “age proof” any home as it will eliminate the potential for access limitations created by the onset of physical disabilities.

And, as any builder will tell you, it is always cheaper to “build up” with a multi-story plan than to “build out”, spreading the desired square footage over precious real estate.  The savings realized on foundation and roofing materials alone help offset the cost of adding  a home elevator to a new construction floor plan!  Building a multi-story house with an elevator can also be the ideal solution for building lots that are small, or are limited by the requirements of shore land setbacks.  There are also tax credits available (check with your accountant) when the elevator can be documented as a medical necessity for the homeowner with a disability.

Whether for luxury or peace of mind, a residential elevator is a practical investment that will add convenience to daily living, provide security for the future and increase the value of any home!

Michelle Freiberger

Advent Home & Access

TheAccess Specialists